i'm eduardo

freelance web frontend and backend

contact me


Web development

Web development with HTML, CSS, and Javascript. Reactjs, Gatsbyjs, and NextJs front-end applications with CMS content and Serverless.

WebRTC Applications

WebRTC applications with front-end and backend development.

Back-end development

Back-end development with Nodejs, Expressjs, MongoDB, and Mongoose.


Real Time Communication Platform Development with Asterisk, Kamailio, XMPP server, and Presence.

Wireless and Wireline System Engineer

Wireless core system engineer. Wireline legacy, billing, protocols, and call processing.


Developer / System Engineer / Devops


September 2019 - Present

WebRTC app development with nodeJS, javascript, CSS HTML, and Pion/Ion-SFU

Frontend NextJs applications with Strapi CMS and dashboard

Frontend Gatsby applications with Strapi CMS backend and graphQL

Frontend React applications with a number of CMS and Algolia

Backend NodeJs applications with MongoDB for e-commerce

Oracle Cloud Kubernetes and PM2 applications deployment

Red Hat Ticket Monster application development with maven, JPA, JAX-RS, and forge for jboss server

Language and library skills: C/C++, java, mobile application with android, javascript, typescript, CSS, HTML5, NodeJS, ExpressJS, MongoDB, ReactJS, GatsbyJS, and NextJS

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featured projects


WebRTC Conference

This project exercises most of the WebRTC web API, creating a two-way audio and video conference, text chat, screen share, video and canvas share.

HTMLCSSjavascriptTypescriptnodejswebRTCwebsocketsexpressJSMongoDBGoogle login and/or email based registrationDeployed at Oracle Cloud with PM2


Recipes website with a homepage showing a few selected items, and several programatically built pages. A recipe page with instructions, preparation time, ingredientes, tools and other details.

gatsbyContentful CMSgraphqlDeployed at Netlify

e-commerce API

e-commerce API with registration e-mail confirmation based, authentication, product CRUD, user review, and order.

expressJsmongoDBmongoosenodeJsDeployed at kubernetes Oracle Cloud

e-commerce front-end

A front-end e-commerce website with a comprehensive filter for searching the available products; auth0 login; a cart; integrated with stripe and serverless.

reactstripenetlify serverlessauth0Deployed at Netlify


Dashboard React App with latest React-Router-Dom features (action, loader), and React Query, minimizing hook states, useEffect and using hydration cache. Backend with expressJs, mongoose, and cloudinary.

ReactJsReact QueryExpressJsMongoDB, Mongoosestyled componentsDeployed at Oracle Cloud with PM2

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